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"Everything in the universe has a rhythm, everything dances." - Maya Angelou

Sven Schuster

Sven Schuster [1965 ] is born in Wolfsburg Germany and played with 16 doublebass in the Big Band of the music school [the conductor was Lothar Krist with special guests like Herb Geller], the youth orchestra and small bands. 1984 he moved to Austria to study double bass with Wayne Darling at the university in Graz. There he was playing with a lot of good musicians like: Harry Sokal , Wolfgang Muthspiel, Alan Praskin, Bill Elgart, Roberto di Gioia, Wolfgang Haffner and Mel Lewis. In 1988 Schuster moved to Holland were he got his degree at the conservatory in Hilversum in 1991. During that time he was working frequently with the legendary gitarplayer Wim Overgaauw in his trio accompanying guestsoloists like Ferdinand Povel, Ack van Rooyen, Bart van Uer, Rob Madna, Eef Albers and Han Bennink. In 1991 the Middlesee Jazztreffen in Leeuwarden Holland gave him the award " best soloist". In the Netherlands the bassplayer can be recognised from CD recordings and concerts with: Dirk Balthaus, Steve Altenberg, Mike del Ferro, Lydia van Dam, John Engels, Ricky Margitza, Dale Barlow and Jim Hall, as well as touring throughout Europe, Africa , Jamaica and the U.S.A. In 1999 the Sven Schuster Quartet released their first CD " Three is a crowd ". The Dutch newspaper " De Volkskrant " wrote about the CD: Schuster himself a convincing soloist too, warm and melodic; his bowed lament in Mingus' Goodbye Pork Pie Hat with Hendrix like screaming is courageous and moving.

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